Sunday, April 12, 2015


Decision taking modes in a meeting

To get input from all, junior most and least status one should be given the floor first. Then gradually senior and higher status folk would take part. The chairperson should not put forward some plan or idea first because in that case it may be assumed that things are already finalized.
If it is consensus method decision, all input should be considered and a consensus to be reached. Generally this style should be adopted in informal organization like charity or social casues.
However, other mode of decision may be used like decision by chairperson, simple majority, two thirds etc.
If autocratic decision method of decision(i.e. decision by the chairperson) is used, it is better to explain why the decision taken and provide reasoning of not taking some of the input or conversely put in a positive note like advantage of this against the proposition put forward by others.
For more information on consensus decision, the following site may be checked out:


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