Sunday, May 03, 2015


Career Directions: purpose/aim of life;no regret principle;comparative advantage;done better than perfect

Purpose of life: 
It is very important to know what is your calling, that is your passion or in other words purpose of life. Steve Pavlina, a popular blogger and self help guru, suggests the following steps to discover one’s life purpose.
  1. Take out a blank sheet of paper or open up a word processor where you can type.
  2. Write at the top, “What is my true purpose in life?”
  3. Write an answer (any answer) that pops into your head. It doesn’t have to be a complete sentence. A short phrase is fine.
  4. Repeat step 3 until you write the answer that makes you cry. This is your purpose.

Give atleast one try what you desire: it is also called no regret principle

Well, sometimes what you like to do most or what is your passionate, there may be nearly zero chance of success. As a side note, in life there are very few things where there is clear zero possibility, in general there is always some possibility. Then you might fail at the task you have attempted, that’s fair enough. You will not have any regrets later your life reminding if I would have tried. Besides, it would be a learning experience and in general some new ways are opened up. As the saying goes on like when you open the door then you could see what are inside, but if you don’t open the door you could not see what are inside. After failure, you may opt to try with another strategy or may go for your second best option. By the by, if the option you desire most has life risk or risk of law infringement or involve huge investment of money, you may think carefully to commit for that one. However, only few things will have such consequences.

Comparative advantage
One should do what one could do better compared to other things. For example, Dr Humayun Ahmed was the most popular and highest selling fiction writer of Bangladesh. He had a phd in Chemistry and he was good at Chemistry too. However, his command on writing fiction is far better than teaching in Chemistry. So judiciously he took the decision to leave teaching profession and engage in full time writing. So one should not compare with others when taking decision about certain choices rather look into what is the comparative advantage. For example, one guy is not that good at both football and cricket. However, he is better in football than cricket. So he should opt for football playing.

Time Management
Time flies as the saying goes. So it is very important to manage time wisely and efficiently. Here goes some tips:
Use pareto principle and finish any task with minimal effort. Later on, if required you may improve the quality. Generally you could reach 80 percent of your own standard quality just by inputting that minimal 20 percent effort.
To test a thing do it in small scale like prototype. Then if it works, go for bigger version. If small sizing is not possible, then do a small part and see the result.
Start early: if average people start job when they are 22 years old, you may start job at 21 years of age. Starting earlier with minimalistic standard is far advantageous that starting late with adequate resources. Because time always beat the amount resource for a human beings.
Finish fast: Try to finish fast, may be atelast 20 percent earlier than average standerd time. Again after doing some part if you feel not good quit. Therer is no point of bearing the sunk cost.
Use a time schedule for every minute. Its better to use 10 minutes block. Make a rule that you could not modify an item unless it is modified 10 minutes or 30 minutes or so on earlier. To make life easy, you make the rule that you may change whenever you like but you need to write it down in the schedule. However, it is better to use 10 minutes or other loger minutes or hours or days rule to change. In generally we procrastinate stating that we would pleasurable task now  and harder task later. It makes that a little difficult by stating that you could change but not instantly.  Usually our reasonable self works better when we think ahead but when things actually come up our pleasurable self takes over the reason. Again, by starting somehow a little bit you could eventually continue to do so.
Its ok to fail but not to try and remain in the race reasonable time.

Done is better than perfect:
Just doing with minimal things is better than doing later with perfection.
So finish everything in the rough draft format with minimal effort and things. Later if needed, you will have plenty of time to tweak and improve.

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