Saturday, August 29, 2015


What does organized mean ?

Things need to go where they need to go, as says by David Allen for the question 'what does organized mean?', as a GTD famed organizing expert.
In my personal view, organized means the following Four things.

1. A time bound plan is to be made and it should be followed.

2. Things should be in the place where those are supposed to be. In others words, everything should have a place.

3. People should be available for the specific task when needed and where needed. In other words, every task is to be assigned to someone. As human beings need to get reminder, a manager or supervisor or reporting person should also be attached.

4. Proper information is to be available to everyone involved. For example, if a conference is arranged, its location map, program schedule, wash room facilities,
prayer room facility,food,transportation, signs are to be communicated by print,internet,verbal,signs etc methods.

To organize an event, several issues come up. Some of them are described below as an example.


In the breakfast,provide a little hard thing like pattis,packet butterbun,cake. Better to avoid little lesser shelf life thing like sandwich.

Try to provide an egg in the lunch as the chicken piece provided may not be big.

It may outsourced and better be cooked outside of the event premise or inside if facilities availalbe.

spoons, forks, good cup and pirich may be arranged earlier.

There are 334 persons altogether including laundry,ansars, cafeteria,halls, BE regular and daily staff altogether.


stage seat arrangement who will seat where should be fixed earlier. Flower bouquet may be provided by the student committee chairman after his speech. Crest to the  stage members may be provided before the vote of thanks.who will give crest to whom should be decided. In generally Chief guest will give crest to Chief Patron. Other crest may be given by Chief of the organisation.. Inauguration may be done with official video teaser.

Where the entourage would go it may be mentioned at the end.

Closing seat who will seat where, who will give prizes, who will give speech should be selected earlier. In the closing may be poppers may be used. group photo may also be taken.

For Carrying crest of guests some volunteers should be assigned.

to keep crest back, you need to unscrew the thing attached.

money receipt the word money receipt should be placed. there should be place for writing down the money.

if possible separate money receipt for each event could be made and there may be slight different in amount for easy identification.

Above 250 usd item or if the amount from same vendor,then three quotation is to be collected and lowest may be awarded the job.

there may be header of the name of the festival.

if direct deposit to the prescribed bank account is made it should be acknowledge with a acknowledgment receipt. Treasurer and chairman should sign it, counter signed by main committee assigned person usually convener or program coordinator.

Organizing body may set up specific mobile banking account that may be linked with usual bank account for allowing participants to send money easily. For example, several Bangladeshi universities have made agreement with teletalk for admission purpose. Alternatively Head of the organizers  may open up such mobile and departmental proper account where money could be sent. The Head may be given authority to sanction this money for use in the fest.  Cash received should be deposited to such account.

Fest kit
pens may be purchased more to give as token memento different persons.

tshirt also may be produced more to give as token memento.

no need to produce much for notebook.

They should be attached with one protocol or contact, preferably a junior student.

direction is to be made like map in board with schedule. Washroom and prayer room especially for females should be mentioned.

in kind things
say t shirt is given by an organization in kind. in that case the agreement and quantity to be supplied should be mentioned.

invited guest
Technical festival better be invited academicians,professionals, businessman,relevant Politicians.


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