Tuesday, September 15, 2015


How to deliver equality in real life

All human beings are made equal. However, Natural equal discrimination are in place this world. These are age and gender. The other things are not that equal natural discrimination.

Other differentiation are ok. To run the society there should be different jobs,ranks, salaries etc. However it would be great if things could be made equal in public dealing

As much as possible ensure equality like all are treated equal in mosque. Therefore like English, same salutation pronoun may be used for all in every language. For example, in Bangla, apni,tumi,tui pronouns are used to differentiate status rather than simply age related salutation. A young 20some guy may say tumi to an elderly 60 yrs person if the young guy is the boss. However in English as only one salutation, everyone is called equally, that's great.

 If neded to differentiate hide it. For example, if special lunch room is provided for officers, it may be located inside officers club rather placed openly in the usual cafeteria.
Money could be used as medium for differentiation as it has more egalitarian dimension. Money does not differentiate among position, rank, education any one who has money could buy the object with a price tag.

all are equal just put into different situations. So nothing is yours, only your good deeds.

Basic thing should be provided to the lowest level if differentiation to be made. For example, the lowest level should have a basic mobile if the highest level folks get pricey iphone. Similarly if sofas are provided for higher ups, atleast plasctic chair should be there for the lowlevel staff.

you may be all alone, and at the end that is the very truth. So if you get some good points do it. Dont bother whether other getting their share, as you are getting your share and you are getting more.

Almighty has made all equal, however Allah has provided us different types of intelligence, education, wealth etc just to test. Here questions may be different but the overall questin strength or hardness is the same. So there is no point to take pride in for rank, position, status, education, beauty, wealth. One will be only judged for his deeds not any other earthly things provided in different quantity and forms to make the test  entertaining though strength of overall question set is the same for all as set up according to the individual situation by the Almighty Allah.


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