Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Life philosophy practical: october 2015 : do what you love,no close enough;greeting optional, write your time schedule

Do what you love. That's it.There is nothing called close enough.

Try to continuously do better what you love. If you love to be do spiritual things more, only do so more. Otherwise do as coudl be done by average person.

Greetings bring you benefit or points to you or the other person. It also denotes close ones and in generally only around  10 close folks. So there is nothing personal if your greeting not responded or someone does not greet you. Just focus on whether someone is doing his job at average standard.

If you greet a person you would get 1 lac tk reward. If you greet first to a lower status person, you get 10 lac tk reward.The person acknowledges the greeting gets 10000 tk reward. If not acknowledged, it is deducted from his reward points. So if someone does not acknowledge you he is on loss.

Money as differentiator whenever possible.

Complain for the benefit of others though the experience is yours. So don't get too personal. Try to help others to improve.

Follow the time schedule that you make earlier. You are free to change any time but it should be written. Generally our procrastinator loving self would not change the schedule as it takes some task of writing to change!

10 pages of a book for reading. Book is a special source of expert knowledge.

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